Somehow I lost another entire month. I could blame it on Facebook, which I seem to update much more frequently but I could also blame it on laziness. I want this blog to be something the boys can look back on and treasure, but I am through making "goals to keep it updated", I will do my best and nothing less!!
April was Easter and lots of fun spent playing outside!! We LOVE LOVE to be outside!!! We are celebrating our first spring in our new house. Teeghun and Tanner were pleased that the Easter Bunny was able to locate our house since we had moved!! The boys got to participate in three different Easter Egg hunts. Ellee and Carter along with Uncle Drew, Aunt Trisha and Memaw went to Solomon Farms with us for one of them. Solomon is a great egg hunt because they limit the number of participants so it isn't chaotic!
We also focused more on Easter and what it meant that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Teeghun talked about how at Little Praisers they were learning about what the three crosses were symbols of, it was touching to hear him tell us the story of Easter.