My mom is awesome!! She plans her Christmas not according to the calendar but according to schedules of those involved, which allows for less stress and much more time to relax and enjoy the gathering instead of being in a hurry because there are more to attend that day. We celebrate Christmas with my mom the Saturday or Sunday before Christmas and it makes it soooo nice! THANKS mom, you don't know how much your flexibility is appreciated!! We celebrated with mom last Saturday and below are some pictures from the celebration. I think that Teeghun enjoyed passing out the presents as much as opening and delivered every present to the correct person! He even stood when he was all done and thanked each person individually! Thanks to everyone for the great gifts!!!
Present for Uncle Drew & Aunt Trisha

Unwrapping presents (much more into it this year)

Thomas the Train Flashlight

Waiting on Uncle Drew to unpack his new Drill set (why do they use so much packing???)
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