BE NICE, BE GENTLE, GENTLY, NO, DON'T SMACK HIS HEAD! YES, THOSE ARE TANNER'S EYES HE DOESN'T LIKE IT WHEN YOU POKE THEM!! HA! These are all things you can hear DAILY in the Miller house! Teeghun LOVES his little brother and I am not sure that the feeling is mutual...I swear that Tanner looks at me with this look like Did I ask for a big brother?? I don't recall asking for a big brother!!" I am sure that he will grow to adore Teeghun when he can defend himself! Teeghun wants to hold Tanner all the time and is a HUGE help in getting burp clothes, taking bottles to be washed, letting mama know when Tanner is crying (just in case I couldn't hear him) and putting in the pacifier ALL THE TIME :)
We went to the Canterbury Girl's Semi-State basketball game this past Saturday, it was Tanner's first big outing and his first basketball game. I was soo proud because we were all organized and even ready to leave the house early, which mind you was rare with one and I figured darn near impossible with two kiddos!! We get to Plymouth High School and open the back hatch to get the bags out (one for Tanner and one for Teeghun)...GUESS WHO FORGOT TANNER'S DIAPER BAG!! YEPPER ME, the one with her act together! HA! Soooo, Steve took Teeghun in to the game and Mom rode with me to find a Wal-Mart for diapers, formula and a bottle! Good Grief!! You can bet that we will NEVER forget the diaper bag again!! HA!! We can laugh about this now!!!
Sunday Tanner went to church for the first time and he was the center of attention, we tried to draw Teeghun in also so that he would get some attention as well. People were making over him for being a new big brother!
This week has been a whirlwind of craziness...we are just trying to resume some normalcy to our daily life. We have taken Teeghun to the daycare all week so that he has something that seems to be routine. He doesn't seem to mind, in fact I think that he is relieved that there is one area of his life that hasn't changed since the arrival of Tanner.
We are packing up and heading to Indianapolis today for the weekend; Canterbury won on Saturday so they advanced to the State Finals, so we will be going to watch Uncle Scott and his Canterbury Lady Cavaliers play basketball on Saturday. We got a hotel with a pool so this will give Teeghun something to do.
Until the next post, which I promise will be sooner than the last :) Here are some pictures...
First Night Home

Helpful Big Brother

Checking out Tanner

"Playing" Ball with Tanner

Uncle Scott, Tanner, Daddy & Teeghun after Canterbury won the Semi-State Girl's Basketball game (first time in school history), this was also Tanner's first basketball game


After tubby time

How in the world are you going anywhere so soon, let alone overnight to Indy?! I won't be leaving the house for months and only then if I have to. :0) Maybe I'll be blessed with your energy this time around but I sure didn't have it last time with Anna. I was a walking zombie for the first 2 months at least. :0)
Forgot to all the pics! He looks a lot like his big bro!
Cute pics! Also...I am pretty sure I saw Teeghun in the paper today for a stellhorn photo ad to get your pic taken with bunnies! Cool!!
Is it bad that I had to giggle at the first line of your post??? lol...
and honestly, it is still pretty overwhelming 3 months later!!!
But it is all soooo worth it!!!
Have fun on your trip!
Cute pictures!
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