I love long weekends, especially long weekends with weather as beautiful as we had this weekend! We spent a lot of time outside this weekend...here are some pictures from this weekend...
First off...Tanner discovered that he has a tongue on Friday. He was just cracking us up (and himself) on Friday night sticking out his tongue.

We spent time at the zoo again last weekend...Teeghun loves to ride the pony's

Back at Uncle Drew & Aunt Trisha's visiting the "neigh neigh's"

GG & Teeghun visiting the horses

Sunday at Grandpa Ray's Pond

Mommy & Teeghun at Grandpa Ray's Pond

Sunday we tried sparklers for the first time...he liked it...for a while...then mommy screamed cause she was afraid that he was going to get burned and he decided that he didn't want to try anymore.

Memaw asked Teeghun if he could stand on one foot, just that quickly he went over and sat down on the step and lifted up one foot...everyone just lost it!!! Such an entertainer!!

Teeghun (26 months), Tanner (3 months), Ellee (9 days)

Teeghun & Tanner - chilling after a long weekend