My Great Aunt Sharon was up from Florida the beginning of May for a surprise visit. She got to meet Tanner while she was here and read books to Teeghun.
She keeps telling me that I need to post more pictures of Tanner so I am including a couple of Tanner in this post just for her :)
dear angela & Steve & Teeghun, what a splended addition to your family. Tanner was my suggestion & it sooounds really good with Steven. I'm so glad you sent me your new blog; it has taken me sometime to get thru the whole blog. It was certainly well worth it. Your children are very blessed by such attentive & detailed parents. I know at times it will be difficult, but as your Mom says from scripture 'this too will pass'. When it does you will say the time went all too quickly. I did! Welcome to little Tanner & God Bless your little family. Love & Prayers, Terry Weisbrod
I am happily married to a wonderful Godly man who is sooo awesome!! God has blessed us with two sons who are the joy's of our lives; Teeghun and Tanner.
I agree with her!
He is so cute!!!
Holy cow he's getting so big! Didn't you just give birth to him yesterday? Lol! What a sweetheart!
dear angela & Steve & Teeghun,
what a splended addition to your family. Tanner was my suggestion & it sooounds really good with Steven. I'm so glad you sent me your new blog; it has taken me sometime to get thru the whole blog. It was certainly well worth it. Your children are very blessed by such attentive & detailed parents. I know at times it will be difficult, but as your Mom says from scripture 'this too will pass'. When it does you will say the time went all too quickly. I did! Welcome to little Tanner & God Bless your little family. Love & Prayers, Terry Weisbrod
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