Tanner had his four-month appointment yesterday and here are the stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 7 ounces (90%) (Teeghun was 18 lbs 4 ounces)
Height: 26 inches (75%) (Teeghun was 26 inches)
Head size: 17 inches (90%) (Teeghun's head was 16 1/2 inches)
Here is a picture that I took with my cell phone while we were doing tubby time, he sure didn't look like he was upset about the four shots, but shortly after that he started wailing!! Poor little guy!!!

Happy 4 Months, Tanner! Wow, he's a BIG little guy! Love that smile!
Where does time go?!?! Crazy!!! Happy 4 months, Tanner!!!
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