I love this little guy!

He just lights up when I walk into a room and since Teeghun disses me for daddy this just makes my day!
His belly laugh...ah I love his belly laugh!
He is getting teeth, well a tooth. You can just barely see the white tip under the gums so I am hoping that it will break through soon.
He loves his cereal, his veggies, his fruits....he basically loves to eat!
He is weighing a whopping 19 pounds and 9 ounces and laughs when I call him my "chunky monkey".
He is doing better at sleeping longer at night.
Tanner seems to be following in the path of respiratory issues just like Teeghun, hopefully he will outgrow this!
He rolls from back to tummy and then gets upset cause he is on his tummy. Tanner DOES not care much for tummy time!
He will roll onto his tummy sometimes to fall asleep and then wake up in the night crying because he is on his tummy! GO FIGURE!!
He is already showing signs of wanting to crawl (much sooner than Teeghun).
He loves to spit and make noises with this tongue...He laughs when he spits his cereal and veggies! (Mommy doesn't laugh quite as hard).
(Ok so I have more than 10)

Tanner at 5 months old....

Oh gosh - he is getting so big (and so cute!)
I hope you're writing on the back of their pictures because I sure can't tell them apart!! :0)
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