So, I have been reminded MANY times (wow, people really do read this blog) that I haven't updated since March. I have to admit I have become addicted to Facebook and seem to keep that more up-to-date with pictures and stuff, but I originally started this blog as a way for the boys to look back years (many years) from now and it be like a journal for them so I better keep it up!
So much has been going on that I am not sure that I can go back and catch up, but I will give a quick catch up.
March 14th we moved from Fort Wayne to Columbia City, we had some great helpers and it went so smoothly. I worried about the boys adjusting as their bedrooms were upstairs and ours was on the main floor but they did awesome! They had no troubles from the first day we moved into our rental.
We became very impatient with the rainy weather that we were experiencing in April thus slowing down the ground-breaking of our new house.

BUT finally on April 22nd they broke ground. We were soo excited! The building process has been an exciting one...We have gone from breaking ground to this since April 22nd...

We continue to go over to the "new house" almost every night just to see what they have is so much fun to watch it all coming together. I will work on putting together a slideshow of pictures to show you all the progress.
Teeghun turned 3 on March 3rd and Tanner turned 1 on February 18th. They continue to be the light of our lives (and sometimes the most trying of our patience). Teeghun is looking forward to his new bedroom with pink and blue walls (we haven't the heart to tell him yet that he won't be having pink walls...we will tackle that discussion later.
I will leave you with pictures of the boys (what post would be complete without that? :) and a promise to do much better at keeping things up-to-date.
Tubby time in the rental house

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Easter Basket goodies

Easter at The Chapel

Zoo Day

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Cousin Tubby Time