Monday, March 9, 2009


I am SOOOOO sorry that we haven't posted anything since Christmas! I have sooo much to post about I am not sure that I will ever get caught up! HERE is the big news and I will fill in the gaps later...

WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!!! That would sort of explain the lack of postings!! We sold the house on Valentine's day, close on it March 31st and the new owners take possession April we had about 40 days to FIND A RENTAL, pack, store and move our house. We are now down to about 3 weeks...YIKES!!! It is a daunting task to say the least!!

Tanner turned ONE on February 18th!?!?! I still cannot believe that!!

Teeghun turned THREE on March we have lots of pictures to share just need to get moved first!!!

1 comment:

Jaidean said...

I've been wondering where you were! :) Congrats on selling the house!!!