Teeghun also participated in a "Teddy Bear Picnic" at Little Praisers, the kids all brought in a stuffed animal from home and they had a picnic in their classroom.

We as a family walked in the Cancer Free Lungs walk at Headwater's Park in memory of Uncle Dan and also Trisha's dad. It was a beautiful day and a neat way to remember those lost to lung cancer.

May 28th was a sad day for our family as we said good-bye to the staff and friends at Little Praisers. Teeghun has been there since he was three months old and Tanner joined Teeghun when he was about six weeks old. The staff at Little Praisers as been a very close part of our family for over four years and we love them dearly!

We ended the month of May by celebrating Memorial Day. Steve and the boys put out flags and we explained to them that this is a day to honor those who have fought for our freedom and to remember them.

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