He was sitting in the high chair for snack time and she went to wash his hands and he wouldn't give her his right hand...she looked down and it was STUCK in a hole! He had gotten his thumb stuck in a hole that is WAY DOWN by his legs (she still cannot figure out who he found this hole, let alone got his thumb stuck in it!!) and she said "oh T let me help you", he of course wouldn't and just pulled it out!! She said that it started to bleed right away and he took the skin off his thumb and there was also a piece of skin just hanging there...which was totally stressing him out! She said that he was a real trooper and didn't cry too bad and once the band aids (she put two on just for good measure and padding) were on he was all good. Teeghun kept saying "uh oh uh oh" while she was cleaning it and trying to put the piece of skin flat...she was like "NO KIDDING T"...BIG UH OH!!
So now they have labeled one of the high chairs as not acceptable for Teeghun...
SOOO, now we are doctoring an injured thumb which proudly sports TWO Sesame Street band-aids...he is doing pretty good letting us keep Neosporin on it and as long as we give him a sticker he doesn't throw too much of a fit letting us change the bandage!!!
In honor of this recent injury I present...
The Improved Pediatric Pain Scale :)
I think that he was close to the "Hurts Enough to Extract Sympathy from Mom" range last night!!!

Poor little guy! I hope his finger heals up fast!
Poor guy! Love the pain scale though - totally reminds me of having a baby and they give you that kind of scale to know what kind of medicine to put you on - I learned after Teagun to just say "I'm in pain!" lol...
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