That is right! We bought Teeghun another new bed! Before Tanner was born we moved Teeghun into a queen sized "big boy" bed...He did really well, UNTIL WE BROUGHT TANNER home and then he decided that he didn't want to stay in his bed anymore. It would take 20-30 minutes EACH night to get him to stay in bed. Steve shared that this had become his prayer time! Well it all came to an end this weekend, we decided that we had to do something because his bed was so big that we had to have a stepstool beside his bed to help him get in and out of bed; about two weeks ago Steve walked around the corner to see Teeghun getting ready to swing his leg over the gate in his bedroom door to "escape" his bedroom!!! SOOOO, the stool came out of his room and then we became concerned that he would fall out of bed trying to get out. We started looking at toddler beds and decided that this might be a good idea...It is a much smaller bed but also lower to the ground to eliminate the need for the step-stool. Teeghun and Steve took down the queen bed and assembled the toddler bed on Saturday morning. He slept in it for the first time at his nap on Saturday; he seems to really like it. We think that he has fallen out of bed both Saturday and Sunday but he is so low to the ground that he just gets up and gets back into bed.
Here are pictures of him in his toddler bed Saturday night...

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