Since he turned six weeks old it was off to the daycare yesterday for the first time...I cried from the time that I got up until I dropped him off and on the way to work too!! They said that he did great but it just isn't the same as caring for him yourself! When Teeghun started daycare I had the luxury of working 2 1/2 days and being home with him 2 1/2 days but unfortunately I don't get to do that anymore. I still struggle with working outside the home five days a week but for now that is what I am doing. I of course didn't put Tanner down all last night! We snuggled a lot!!
Here are a couple six week pics...
"Crooked smile"

Does this count as his first smile on camera??

Yes, he is spitting up as I take a picture...attractive don't you think?!?!

Big Brother had to get in on the picture action...

1 comment:
That crooked smile is too cute! It just goes by way too fast with the second, doesn't it???
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