Ok, so Teeghun turned two in March and he still has a pacifier...GASP!! What terrible parents we are right!?!?! He doesn't really "need" the pacifier, he just thinks that he does. He hasn't had one at daycare since he transferred from the infant room, but the minute we would pick him up from daycare he would start asking for it; we had them in each vehicle and he knew where we kept them at home. It was starting to make a mark on his face and we were constantly telling him to take the paci out of his mouth so that we could understand what he was saying. SOOO, Steve determined that it was BEYOND time to get rid of it. I knew that he was right but I was seriously dreading what might take place if his "mama's" (that is what he called them) were suddenly gone; especially since Tanner has them! Sunday afternoon we were at mom's house and she doesn't let him have one there (see we are the pushovers here!!), so he sneaks up to the couch where I am feeding Tanner, swipes Tanner's paci and hides under mom's kitchen table!!! HE IS A CLOSET PACI USER!! HA! We decided that Monday morning we would take them away from him EXCEPT at bedtime and ONLY if he asked for one! Monday it was laying in his bed so we snuck it away and he never asked about it; when I picked him up from the daycare he asked about it but I got him distracted and he didn't mention it again until bedtime. Steve gave him one that night and since then he hasn't had one! YIPPEE!! Oh sure he has asked about it but then the ADD kicks in and he forgets all about it! Soooo, (KNOCKING ON WOOD), he hasn't had one since Monday night and one asked about it a couple times. HOPEFULLY we are about done with this phase; until it is time to break Tanner that is...
Yay! Hopefully it continues to go so smooth!!! Lucky girl!!! :)
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