Both boys did really well considering our appointment was at 3:15 and we didn't get out of the office until 4:55!!!
Tanner's stats are:
Weight - 14 pounds 2 ounces (95%)
Height - 24 inches (90%)
Head size - 16 inches (75%)
At two months Teeghun was 14 pounds 10 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long so they are just about the same size. Tanner is a bit longer than Teeghun was at two months so we could have to tall boys on our hands!!!
Dr. Bollier said that he is growing well (obviously)!! We talked about his fussiness and his gas and he is thinking that the fussiness MIGHT be colic, but he wasn't sure on that he said that if it is colic that he should outgrow that between 2 months and 4 months. He is switching him to a different formula (Enfamil Prosobee) that is soy based to see if that helps with the gas problems. We started it last night at 5:15 and he took it really well but this morning he was about gassing us out of the house so we aren't sure if it is doing anything for his gas. We will use this formula until Friday and then call into the office to let them know if it made any difference. We apologized when we dropped him off at the daycare today because he is probably going to gas out all the other infants!! We asked about his gooey eyes and he said that it is a common problem with infants and that if they don't outgrow it by 9 months they will have him referred to an ophthalmologist but they won't do anything to unclog a tear duct until they are one year old and from what they were telling me about the procedure I am praying that he is over it by then! We will start cereal after his next appointment in June until then it is formula only. Then came the shots :( he had to get four shots and also drink a vaccine that they have developed since Teeghun was born for rotavirus.
Next was Teeghun...
Weight - 29 pounds 11 ounces (70%)
Height - 35 3/4 inches (80%)
He said that everything looked good, we have been off all breathing treatments for about a month and he seems to be doing really well! PRAISE THE LORD! He did encourage us to keep the machine and meds around because we never know when we might need it. (Don't worry I am thinking that we might need it for Tanner so that machine isn't going anywhere) :) HA!!
We talked about his development and I think that he can do most things on the list that was given to us. We also talked about potty training and he said that most kids aren't potty trained until they are 2 1/2 to 3 years old so we can work on it but that if he shows signs of frustration to stop and wait a bit longer. As mom and Wayne can attest to anytime we put him on the "singing potty chair" he will usually go and then wants to show EVERYONE what he did, so he knows what to do but doesn't necessarily come to us to tell us that he has to go. We will keep working on it.
Dr. Bollier questioned if we have a history of high cholesterol on either side of our families, we both laughed and said that we were sure that one of us did cause we seem to be "blessed" with everything on one side of the family or the other :) soooo, that meant a finger stick and blood test for Teeghun. He wasn't too happy about this but was pleased with the red crayon band-aid that he got so that made it all better!
Teeghun has been pacifier free to going on three weeks know, Praise the Lord it wasn't as hard to wean him as we feared it might be. He is adamant that Tanner needs to have his mama (pacifier) all the time, but he doesn't seem to miss his pacifiers and we are so thankful!!
I think that is all for this update :)
Hope you are enjoying the sunshine!!!

He's a big lil' guy! He weighs more than Emery did at her 4 month check-up! :) Glad both are doing well and healthy! Very cute picture!
Yepper he is a big dude!!! That picture was attempt number 1 million to get a picture of him kissing Tanner :) we finally gave up!!!
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